Let's delve in to all of your burning questions about a bikini wax. our Master Esthetician addreses your concerns and curiosity.
You've had a few questions about bikini waxing, am i right?
Every woman has at least thought about it once, right?? ....whether in disgust or curiosity? I am a licensed esthetician and body waxing is my expertise. I am here to fill you in on the nitty gritty of bikini waxing. Here are some frequently asked questions about bikini waxing.
What is the difference between a bikini wax and a Brazilian wax?
How bad does a bikini wax hurt?
Speaking of childbirth…can you get waxed while pregnant?
The answer is yes! My experience is the skin can be a bit more sensitive when expecting, but it is okay to do. It can be hard to reach that area while you are pregnant, especially as you get more advanced in your pregnancy. It is a great time to let someone else take care of it for you (and I don’t mean your significant other, trust a professional with this task).
All bikini waxing should be performed in a clean environment and by a licensed professional.
Double dipping of wax sticks is not okay! What does this mean? If you waxologist touches your skin and uses that same stick to dip in her wax pot, she double dipped. Sticks are one time use only. It touches a body part, it goes in the garbage. No exceptions!
How will your skin look and feel after a wax?
Your skin may feel sensitive and “bruised”. It shouldn’t look or be bruised, but it may have a tender, bruised type of feeling to it. It is going to be red and possibly bumpy for a few hours. I always tell my clients to take it easy for the rest of the day. To avoid excessive exercise and overheating of the body. I recommend staying away from hot water for the rest of the day as well. The day after waxing everything should look and feel normal.
If you are getting waxed before getting married or leaving on vacation, then try to plan your appointment 2-3 days before the event.
You want to plan it close enough that you are completely bare for said “event”, but not too close that your skin is sensitive.
To avoid ingrown hairs. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. I can’t say it enough! The exfoliating should begin 3-4 days after your waxing procedure. A nice body polishing glove or mitt will work wonders. If you are prone to ingrown hairs, then you may want to couple the manual exfoliation with a topical product specifically for ingrown hairs. The combo will work miracles!
If you are someone that shaves consistently, or you are going on vacation and will be wearing a bathing suit….then get a wax! You will not regret it!!! If you have any other questions, leave a comment below and I can add them to my "frequently asked questions about bikini waxing" list. Happy waxing, friends!
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